This is part of the Semicolon&Sons Code Diary - consisting of lessons learned on the job. You're in the ruby category.
Last Updated: 2025-02-14
I wrote this function
def add_multi_domain(items, filter_block = ->(store) {true})
I called it as such:
add_multi_domain([3,4,8,9]) {|n| n < 5 }
The result was: [3,4,8,9]
- i.e. the presence of the 9
meant it did not run
with the block I fed in at call time - instead it used the default.
The issue was that the caller had an implicit block (which expects a yield
the method and has no block parameter in the signature), whereas the method I
actually defined had an explicit block argument in mind.
Thus the following caller (note the comma) would have worked with my code:
add_multi_domain([3,4,8,9]), -> {n} { n < 5 }
# [3,4], i.e. it works with a proc
Defining the parameter name to have an ampersand in front also worked:
def add_multi_domain(items, &filter_block)
add_multi_domain([3,4,8,9]) {|n| n < 5 }
# => [3,4] , as expected