This is part of the Semicolon&Sons Code Diary - consisting of lessons learned on the job. You're in the containerization category.
Last Updated: 2025-02-14
Say you want to do something before the daemon process starts in a Docker container (e.g. seed some data, carry out some build step you're having trouble with elsewhere...)
That's where you might use an entrypoint.
For example, here's one for a WordPress container:
# NB: Remember to `chmod` the entrypoint file to be executable `chmod +x`)
set -e
install_wordpress_plugins() {
wpcli plugin install --activate wordpress-seo
wpcli plugin install --activate acf-content-analysis-for-yoast-seo
wpcli plugin activate advanced-custom-fields-pro
wpcli theme activate planetly
if [ -z "$1" ]; then
set -- apache2-foreground "$@"
# Why `exec`? So that the final running application becomes the container's PID.
# This allows the application to receive Unix signals sent to the container.
exec "$@"
Next, the Dockerfile: